Frequently Asked

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Thank you for your interest in the Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies. Below, you will find a list of our frequently asked questions. For your convenience, you can filter all questions by topic.

  • Who can take Continuing Studies courses?

    Continuing Studies classes are open to adults, with the exception of a few courses for high school students. A few courses have prerequisites indicated in the course descriptions, and some programs, including our degree programs, require a bachelor's degree (which does not have to be from Rice but must be from an accredited institution).

    See individual program pages for specifics.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent, Glasscock Instructor
    Enrollment & Registration
  • What is the physical address of Rice University?

    6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent, Glasscock Instructor
    General Information
  • Can I attend the first class before I pay?

    You may only attend class if you have paid the full fee amount.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • Do I have to be a Rice graduate?

    Continuing Studies classes are open to adults, with the exception of a few courses for high school students. A few courses have prerequisites indicated in the course descriptions, and some programs require a bachelor's degree (which does not have to be from Rice but must be from an accredited institution). See individual program pages for specifics.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Can I pay half of the fee up front and then the other half after I determine I want to stay in the class?

    You may only attend class if you have paid the full fee amount.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Can I see if I like the class before I pay?

    You may only attend class if you have paid the full fee amount.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • I would like to teach a course or have an idea for a course. Whom should I contact?

    You may submit your ideas by e-mail to

    Audiences: Glasscock Instructor
    General Information
  • What is a CEU?

    The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized uniform unit of measurement of individual participation in non-credit continuing education. One Continuing Education Unit is defined as "ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience, under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction." CEUs provide the framework for individuals to document their efforts to update or broaden their knowledge or skills through a variety of non-credit educational options. CEUs are granted for classroom hours and are not granted for hours spent at such activities as performances, field trips or tours.

    Audiences: Lifelong Learner, Professional
    General Information
  • How do I request a refund?

    You can find information regarding refunds on our Policies page

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Cancellations & Refunds
  • Will I receive a refund if I decide not to take a course?

    Refund policies differ, depending on the type of course. Please find more information about refunds on our Policies page.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Cancellations & Refunds
  • If I miss a class, can I make it up in another section or in another semester?

    No, in most cases another section is not available, and we do not carry over registrations from one session to another. If handouts were distributed in the class you missed, you can request those handouts at the next class from the course attendant. Some individual programs, such as ESL, the Foreign Language Program and Center for College Readiness have specific policies on missed classes. Please call or consult the website.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • Will I need books for my class?

    Some courses have required and/or recommended texts. For information on books for your course see individual program pages on our website or call 713-348-4803.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • Is my course tax deductible?

    An individual may be able to claim a tax deduction or a tax credit for the cost of attending this continuing education program. However, we do not issue 1098-Ts. Non-academic credit programs such as continuing education courses do not require a 1098-T per IRS guidelines. Please keep a copy of your receipt and consult with your tax advisor about whether your payment meets the regulations that apply to tax deductions and tax credits. The University’s Federal Tax ID Number is 74-1109620.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • Do you offer online courses?

    Yes, we offer a variety of online courses. Please visit our Online Learning page for more information.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Online Learning
  • Do you accept late registrations?

    We accept some late registrations depending on the course and space availability. If you would like to enroll in a course that has started, please call 713-348-4803 to inquire about late registration.

    Audiences: Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • I am worried about a course becoming full. Can I reserve a spot?

    We do not accept reservations for courses or trainings. You must complete the full registration process including payment.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Will I receive confirmation of my registration?

    You will receive an enrollment acknowledgment in the mail approximately one week after registration (although this varies by program). This will include classroom location, campus map, parking information, book requirements and other information relating to your particular class.

    Audiences: Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Where do I park for my Continuing Studies course?

    You will receive important information about parking in your enrollment acknowledgment; please read and retain all parking information. Visit our Parking & Directions for more information.

    Audiences: Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
  • What are your business hours?

    Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are closed on holidays and the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent, Glasscock Instructor
    General Information
  • Where are the Continuing Studies offices?

    We are located in the Anderson-Clarke Center, the three-story building on the left as you come in Entrance 8 at the intersection of University Boulevard and Stockton Drive. It is building #74 on the campus map. Visitor parking spaces are available on the backside of the building.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent, Glasscock Instructor
    General Information
  • Can I earn college credit for Continuing Studies courses?

    Continuing Studies courses do not confer college credit with the exception of the Graduate Liberal Studies programs and Education programs. Some Continuing Studies programs confer professional continuing education credit, which is indicated in the course description. All courses grant participants Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – one unit for every ten hours of classroom time.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • What is the deadline for registration?

    In general, we accept registrations up until the first class session, as long as there is space available in the class. Many classes fill quickly; we recommend that you register as early as possible. Some lifelong learner and professional development courses have an early registration discount. See course pages for details. If you have waited until the day a class starts to register, please call us at 713-348-4803; if you register online at the last minute you risk not getting course location or parking information. 

    Audiences: Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • When are courses offered?

    Lifelong learner courses are offered in two major sessions a year, beginning in January and August. Language courses are offered year-round. Professional development courses are offered at various times of the year, but typically begin in spring or fall. Please see the Master of Liberal Studies and Master of Arts in Teaching program for our degree program schedules.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • Do you offer financial aid for Continuing Studies courses?

    Financial assistance information can be found on Rice Financial Aid's Visiting and Continuing Education Students page.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Can I receive Gifted and Talented hours for attending a training?

    Information regarding third-party professional development hours from The Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented (TAGT) can be found at: Please contact TAGT or your district for specifics. 

    Audiences: Educator
    General Information
  • Can I substitute my AP or IB registration with another person?

    Substitution requests must be made in writing to Space is guaranteed only if replacing a registrant for the same course. Substitutions made on the day of the workshop are subject to approval and a processing fee.

    Audiences: Educator
    Enrollment & Registration
  • How do I know if a course is full?

    Courses are indicated as full on the registration website page. If available, an option to be added to the waiting list is stated on the same registration website page.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Educator, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • How do I transfer to a different course?

    Please contact us in writing at with any changes to your registration.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • I am on a wait list for a course. What does this mean?

    If space becomes available, you will receive an email to ask if you would like to attend. Once contacted, you must respond within 24 hours, or the space will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • I am registered with a purchase order. Why does my enrollment acknowledgement state that tuition funds are due?

    A purchase order is not a payment; it is a document stating that tuition has been approved by district personnel and that payment (check) will follow. Payment, by check or credit card, must be received within 30 days of registration.

    Audiences: Educator
    Enrollment & Registration
  • I lost my certificate. How do I obtain a copy?

    Please contact us at to receive a copy of your certificate.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional
    General Information
  • If I am on a wait list and not offered a spot, will I receive a refund of my tuition?

    We do not require payment to be placed on a waitlist.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • What forms of payment are accepted?

    We accept payments via credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express) or check. 


    Please make checks payable to: RICE UNIVERSITY. Checks submitted to Rice University for payment may be converted into an electronic funds transfer from your account. There is a $30 charge for all checks returned for insufficient funds. 

    Wire Transfers

    Wire transfers are accepted for our Center for College Readiness Advanced Placement Summer Institute (APSI) and International Baccalaureate (IB) workshops. There is an additional charge of $25.00 per transaction in addition to their registration to cover the costs of fees incurred by the university for wire transfers.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • What if I have accessibility needs?

    Most classrooms are accessible for all participants; however, some classrooms and seating in older buildings may be inaccessible for people who use wheelchairs and/or other aids for mobility. Rice shuttle buses are handicapped accessible. Please notify us at if you require accommodations. For information on Rice's Disability Support Services office, visit

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • How do I cancel my registration?

    Cancellations can be made from your Student Account. Cancellation deadlines differ by program. Please consult your receipt for additional information.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Cancellations & Refunds
  • What is the difference between Continuing Education Units (CEU) and Continuing Professional Education Hours (CPE)?

    The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized uniform unit of measurement of individual participation in non-credit continuing education. One Continuing Education Unit equals ten hours of instruction.

    Continuing Professional Education Hours (CPE) can only be awarded by providers authorized by the State Board for Educator Certification, and are equal to the actual instruction time. A 30-hour course, for example, would award 3.0 CEUs or 30 CPEs. The Glasscock School of Continuing Studies is recognized as a provider of both CEUs and CPEs.

    SBEC Continuing Professional Education Provider Number 500571.

    Audiences: Educator
    General Information
  • What supplies should I bring to the course?

    You may refer to your subject-specific course description for items if requested by your instructor. Course cost of attendance includes all supplies and/or textbooks that you will need for your course unless specifically stated otherwise.

    For Educator Workshops
    We recommend comfortable attire and walking shoes, as trainings typically involve walking around Rice University's campus. Science teachers must follow Rice University's lab safety rules by wearing closed-toe shoes (no sandals), long pants or skirts, laboratory coats, and goggles during all lab activities.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • When will I receive confirmation that I am registered?

    You will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes after completing an online registration. If you do not receive your confirmation email, please check your junk mail/spam folder.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • When will I receive my certificate of attendance?

    Within two business days of the end of your program, you will receive an email instructing you to complete an evaluation. After completing the evaluation, you will be able to access your certificate through our online registration system under the Account Information- Registration History/Certificates section.

    Audiences: Educator
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Where do I find hotel information?

    Available hotel information can be found on the specific program webpage.

    Audiences: Educator
    General Information
  • Where should I mail my payment?

    Please mail your payment to:

    Rice University, Attn: Registration Services
    P.O. Box 1892, MS-550
    Houston, TX 77251-1892

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Who do I make my purchase order payable to?

    Please make your purchase order payable to Rice University.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Will I be certified to teach AP/IB after completing an AP or IB program for educators?

    Please refer to your campus or district for questions related to certification or eligibility. Information related to Advanced Placement can be found at Information related to International Baccalaureate can be found at

    Audiences: Educator
    General Information
  • Will I receive a receipt confirming the tuition paid for a course?

    You will receive your receipt via email shortly after registering.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Are scholarships available?

    Degree Seekers
    Fellowships and additional financial assistance may be available for our degree programs. Please consult the appropriate degree program webpages for more information. 

    Professionals, Educators, Lifelong Learners, K-12 Students & Language Learners
    Currently, we do not offer financial assistance for any of the courses beyond our advertised discounts. There are bundle discount opportunities and discounts available for participants who are members of the following professional organizations: AFP, AASP, Apra, ESCH. There may be scholarship opportunities available for those interested in our certificate programs. Details for these scholarships can be found on the individual certificate pages.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • Can I audit a course?

    Courses are not eligible for audit. Registration is required for all courses and certificate programs.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Can I transfer my course(s) to a degree program?

    Degree Programs
    All of our courses in our degree programs are available for academic credit. These courses are offered only to those accepted into the degree program.

    Non-Degree Programs
    At this time, all of non-degree courses are for continuing education purposes and do not provide academic credit; therefore, they cannot be transferred to a degree program.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • Do philanthropy & nonprofit courses count toward the education requirement for Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification? Where can I obtain more information about obtaining CFRE certification?

    Philanthropy & nonprofit courses and certificates can count toward the education requirement for CFRE credentials. Each course page on the website indicates the number of CFRE points that can be earned. More information on CFRE certification can be obtained from CFRE International.

    Audiences: Professional
    General Information
  • Do you have an admissions process?

    Noncredit Courses & Certificates

    Our courses operate on an open-enrollment basis except for the select certificate programs, which have prerequisites and/or an application process. Details about the application process for each program is available on the specific program page. 

    Degree Programs & Credit Certificates

    Our degree programs and credit-bearing certificates have admissions processes specific to each program. Please visit the specific program pages for more details.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • Do you offer job-searching assistance after I complete a course or certificate?

    At this time, we do not have a formal career center or job placement component to the center. We are able to share information including job descriptions and current executive search details with our current and past participants at the request of organizations and firms seeking to connect with our alumni. Please contact our office at or 713-348-4803 for individual assistance and questions.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Professional
    General Information
  • Where does my course meet?

    The majority of our courses take place in the Anderson-Clarke Center on Rice University’s campus. You will receive an enrollment acknowledgment through postal mail along with an email when your registration is processed. This acknowledgment will include course location and parking details. If you register on the Web, your schedule and classroom location will be available on your online account under “My Enrollment History/My Class Schedule.”  If it is not available right away, please continue to check back. If you register close to the start of the course, you should contact the CPNL program coordinator at 713-348-4803 or at for parking and location details. See the Rice campus map.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • How do I pay for my registration?

    Non-credit courses
    There are multiple ways to pay for a course. If you want to register on the Web, you will be required to pay for your course with a credit card on the Web. You can pay with a credit card over the phone by calling 713-348-4803, or you can pay in person at the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies (see "Anderson-Clarke Center" on the Rice campus map) during normal business hours. Credit cards or checks are accepted. Please make checks payable to: RICE UNIVERSITY. Note: checks submitted to Rice University for payment may be converted into an electronic fund transfer from your account. You can mail a check (be sure to include the course number in the “notes” section) to:

    Rice University
    Glasscock School of Continuing Studies – MS 550
    Attn: Course Payment
    6100 Main Street
    Houston, TX 77005

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • How do I register for a course?

    You can register online for most courses (with the exception of ESL, credit programs, and some professional development programs). You can register on the Web by clicking on a specific course and following the REGISTER NOW button. You can also register by phone by calling 713-348-4803 during normal business hours (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.). Finally, you can register in person at the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies during normal business hours. See "Anderson-Clarke Center" on the Rice campus map.  Please note some programs have an application process. If payment via check is accepted, please make checks payable to: RICE UNIVERSITY.

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Enrollment & Registration
  • What is the refund policy?

    Information regarding the refund policy and process can be found on our Policies page.

    Audiences: Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    Cancellations & Refunds
  • Will I receive anything showing that I completed a course or certificate?

    Certificate participants who successfully meet the established criteria will receive paperwork from Rice. Individual course participants may request an electronic certificate from verifying enrollment, CEU, CPE and/or CFRE credit.

    Audiences: Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent
    General Information
  • Do you give discounts for senior citizens, alumni or any others?

    We do not have a senior citizen discount. Some courses feature discounts for members of a co-sponsoring organization. Association of Rice Alumni members are eligible for a reduced fee for many non-limited enrollment courses. Visit our Policies page for more information.

    Audiences: Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional
    General Information
  • How do I use a course gift certificate issued by the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies?

    To use a gift certificate to register for a course, the registrant must call the program coordinator and reference the number on the top right of the gift certificate. Each certificate may be used only for what is stated on the gift certificate, and it may only be used for a course that begins prior to the expiration date listed. Gift certificates have no cash value and may not be used for a discount on a course which costs more than the amount listed on the certificate. For additional inquiries, please email:

    Audiences: Lifelong Learner, Professional
    General Information
  • Must I take the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) before I apply to the Rice MLS or DLS program?

    No, the MLS program does not require its applicants to have taken the GRE or any other standardized test. You must complete the application form in its entirety.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Can I create my own area of specialization within the MLS program?

    Yes. After completing a core course in each of the three areas – social sciences, humanities and natural science – students can choose to take courses (or a majority of courses) in one of those tracks to complete their degree. 

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Can I take courses outside the MLS program at Rice?

    Like most graduate-level programs, the MLS program is a stand-alone program. All courses must be taken within the program with limited exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Can I transfer credit I’ve earned from other graduate-level liberal arts programs to the MLS or DLS program?

    Students admitted to the MLS program are expected to take all courses within the Rice MLS program; however, up to 6 hours may be transferred in on a case-by-case basis.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Where are MLS & DLS classes held, and how often do they meet?

    Classes are held in a dual delivery format. Students may choose to attend class on the Rice campus or join class virtually via Zoom. Classes meet once a week for three hours.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Are any MLS or DLS courses held in the daytime?

    No. Classes meet during weekday evenings.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • How large are MLS & DLS classes?

    The program stresses small classes and most classes will have 12 students, although some classes may be slightly smaller or larger.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • How long will it take to earn the MLS degree?

    Part-time students who take one course per semester can earn your degree in 11 semesters or in a little less than four years. Students can earn it sooner by taking two courses per semester and/or in the summer. Part-time students are required to take only one course during their first semester but may take up to two courses per semester after that. Given that scenario, you could finish in two and a half years.

    Full-time students who take three courses (9 hours) in the fall and spring semesters and at least 2 courses (6 hours) in the summer can earn the degree in two years.

    It is the policy of the MLS program that you must finish your degree requirements within seven years from the date you first began the program.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Can I skip a semester in the MLS or DLS program?

    Yes, but you must take at least two courses per academic year and submit a leave of absence form prior to the start of the semester you will miss.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Will I be writing a Master’s thesis in the MLS program?

    No, but a lengthy paper or project will be required in the capstone (final) course. Also, research papers will be required in all courses.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • What will it cost to attain the MLS degree?

    For students entering this year and completing their degree within four years, we estimate the program will cost approximately $36,000 in tuition and fees.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Do Rice staff get a tuition discount for the MLS or DLS program?

    Benefits-eligible Rice staff who demonstrate a financial need can receive a 50% tuition discount. The MLS is not eligible for the Rice tuition waiver, but students may be eligible for Rice tuition reimbursement.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Do Rice alumni get a tuition discount?

    Graduates of Rice University receive a 10% tuition discount.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • When I graduate from the MLS or DLS program, will I get to participate in a Rice graduation ceremony?

    Yes. MLS and DLS program graduates will be able to attend graduation ceremonies with all other Rice graduates.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Do you offer online classes for the MLS or DLS programs?

    We currently do not offer online courses; however, students might be able to attend class remotely via Zoom.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • I am an international student. Will the MLS or DLS program sponsor an F-1 student visa for me?

    For part-time students, the answer is no. The F-1 student visa requires a full-time course of study. International applicants requiring a student visa must enroll full-time. International applicants who are legally in the United States (such as permanent residents) may enroll in the program since a student visa will not be required.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • I received my baccalaureate degree from a non-U.S. university. Do I need a foreign credential evaluation for the MLS or DLS programs?

    Students seeking admission to the MLS program who completed coursework and/or degree(s) at institutions outside the United States must present a professional course-by-course evaluation of the foreign official transcript. The professional evaluation must verify that the degree obtained is equivalent to baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. academic institution and must include an explanation of credits earned (including U.S. semester hour equivalents), grade equivalents, and course levels (lower or upper level). Two reliable services with course-by-course evaluations that include this required information are:

    All professional evaluations should be obtained from one of these two recommended credential services and submitted to the MLS Program. Payment for the professional evaluation is the responsibility of the applicant.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Do you accept e-Transcripts for the MLS & DLS programs?

    Yes, we prefer e-Trancripts!  The Rice University Master of Liberal Studies and Diploma in Liberal Studies programs accepts electronic transcripts from U.S. institutions via secure electronic transcript providers. Consult with your institution to see if they are part of a secure e-delivery network. All electronic transcripts should be sent to Please note transcripts are not accepted by fax or personal email. Official transcripts that are mailed must arrive in the original sealed envelope issued by the institution.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • What will it cost to attain the DLS degree?

    For students entering this year and completing their degree within four years, we estimate the program will cost approximately $36,000 in tuition and fees.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information
  • How long will it take to earn the DLS degree?

    Part-time students who take one course per semester can earn the degree in 10 semesters or in a little less than four years. Students can earn it sooner by taking two courses per semester and/or in the summer. Part-time students are required to take only one course during their first semester, but may take up to two courses per semester after that. Given that scenario, you could finish in two and a half years. 

    Full-time students who take three courses (9 hours) in the fall and spring semesters and at least 2 courses (6 hours) in the summer can earn the degree in two years.

    It is the policy of the DLS program that you must finish your degree requirements within seven years from the date you first began the program. 

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information
  • Can I take courses outside the DLS program at Rice?

    In some cases, a student may want to take a course outside of the DLS program to gain knowledge in one or more focus disciplines.  Please coordinate with the GLS program office.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information
  • I have a concern or wish to file a complaint. Whom should I contact?

    You may contact us directly through postal mail, e-mail, fax or phone.

    Mailing Address: Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies
    MS 550, Rice University,
    P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251
    Fax number: 713-348-5213
    Main telephone number: 713-348-4803

    If you have a complaint about parking, please e-mail

    Audiences: Corporate Partner, Degree Seeker, Educator, Language Learner, Lifelong Learner, Professional, Youth/K-12 Student or Parent, Glasscock Instructor
    General Information
  • Can I create my own area of specialization within the MLS program?

    Yes. After completing a core course in each of the three areas – social sciences, humanities, and natural science – students can choose to take courses (or a majority of courses) in one of those tracks to complete their degree. Additionally, certified High School English and History teachers can focus all of their electives in these subjects to meet Dual Credit Teacher Credentialing requirements.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • For the MLS program, am I required to take the TOEFL or IELTS if English is not my native language?

    Yes; however, the TOEFL and the IELTS may be waived for an international student who received a degree from an institution in which English is the official language of communication. For 2021 admission, the following tests are accepted and will be used to assess English language proficiency.

    • The TOEFL IBT Home. A minimum score of 90 is required.
    • IELTS Indicator. A minimum score of 7 is required.
    • Duolingo. A minimum score of 115 is required.

    For 2021, Rice will not accept the ITP Plus test to evaluate English language proficiency, but scores/interviews are able to be reported to Rice as a supplemental material via Vericant.

    Applicants should visit for additional information and reporting details.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • How do I join my online MLS info session?

    Joining our Online Information Session is Easy

    The online information session is delivered over the internet using voice-over-IP technology. This means that the ideal setting for participating in the information session includes a computer/tablet with a solid connection to the Internet and a headset with a microphone. We highly encourage you to test the information session link provided in your email at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session. This allows you to work through any technical issues you may encounter without missing any information.

    Audiences: Degree Seeker
    Diploma in Liberal Studies, General Information, Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Are wire transfers accepted for APSI & IB Workshops?

    Wire transfers are accepted for our Center for College Readiness Advanced Placement Summer Institute (APSI) and International Baccalaureate (IB) workshops. There is an additional charge of $25.00 per participant in addition to their registration to cover the costs of fees incurred by the university for wire transfers.

    Audiences: Educator
    Enrollment & Registration


8 a.m. - 6 p.m. CT



Rice University Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies - MS-550
P.O. BOX 1892
Houston, TX 77251-1892


Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies - MS-550
Anderson-Clarke Center
Rice University
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005
